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Oct 21, 2019

How to Improve Employee Engagement?

Employee engagement is a skill that is very beneficial. You cannot even think of running your company if you do not know what it takes to manage your employees. If you are searching for ways on how to improve employee engagement. you have come to the right place. Continue reading untill you get your answers!

Enumerate and Clarify goals

  1. Every employee has a set of goals and responsibilities which they are required to focus on or work on.
  2. Sometimes employees simply get confused with what their role is in the organisation. This is where clarifying goals and responsibilities become extremely efficient. This will significantly increase employee engagement in your organisation.
  3. There are times when due to lack of confidence or some mental pressures, when employees feel less secured when trying to achieve the goal that they were assigned.
  4. A great leader is one who is always standing there to help employees assisting them whenever problems arise.
  5. Being a caring and compassionate employer and leader goes a long way!

A real personality in an employer

  1. Not many organisations show what is viewed as a sincere relationship between employees and the management.
  2. An authentic personality motivates others, builds trust and builds teamwork.
  3. As an employer, your effort should be towards developing a trusting workplace environment. This is a core principle in knowing, “How to develop ”
  • When employees realise that the workplace is an open concept, they will then feel as though they will not feel compelled to hide things from their colleagues.
  • This speaks of a collective sincerity and motivates everyone to be true to their roles.

Breaks and Perks

  1. Not just that breaks are a stress-buster, which they definitely are; additionally they are a great way to take mind off work for a while.
  2. Breaks which when you ensure, show your employees how you care about them.
  3. They tend to work harder for the company.
  4. Perks like having to get paternity and maternity break, giving a kid-day when they can bring their children to work, providing lunch facilities etc. are very rewarding for the firm in long run.

A feedback mechanism

  1. By ensuring a feedback mechanism in place, either confidential or public; and asking your employees for feedback, it makes them feel that their opinion matters.
  2. A place of respect further plays an important part in the company.
  3. Often time employers give feedback to their employees. Why not opt for a role reversal sometime? Employees too can have a lot to say about office environment, workload and other stuff.

Ensuring a free environment

  1. Employers should definitely and most certainly go that extra mile in ensuring a free, safe and equitable environment for the employees.
  2. Employers should try to do whatever they can to create a workplace environment that is comfortable.
  3. A nice and conducive environment favours positivity and reflects care of the administration towards the working team.
  4. A work environment that satisfies your employees is sure to be talked and that favours the branding and image of your company.

Social gatherings

  1. Social gatherings with colleagues and employees are a great way to get to know each other on a personal level.
  2. It breaks the ice and deeper bonding is developed.
  3. Connecting on a personal level and having fun together encourages creativity and collaboration.
  4. Weekly lunches or fortnightly night parties are a cool way to add that flicker.

Your role in community projects

  1. Often some social projects or volunteering work can be taken up where your employees to take part as a team.
  2. Community programs are the next big thing in corporate for society today.
  3. Employees can be encouraged to attend workshops and conferences or even invite guest speakers relating to your industry to give your team a talk.

A beautiful work culture

  • Do your employees have free time with them? Do they live their personal lives well, too? Or are they over-burdened?
  • As a leader you might want to survey the roles of your employees away from work, to get to know the responsibilities of your employees and consider initiatives that enable them to balance work and home life more easily.
  • That workplace which boasts of a smooth functioning environment that makes people feel respected and valued, is a gift.
  • This automatically develops a sense of collective bonding among the co-workers which is very important in employee engagement.

Leader’s role as a Mentor

  1. What is management if you cannot even mentor your employees? After all that is what you basically are required to do!
  2. Mentoring your employees enhances their bond with you on a professional level. It increases the productivity level among your employees but apart from that, it also boosts their morale.
  3. Employees may not always ask for help. But then an efficient manager and leader would see through such situations and extend assistance in all ways possible.

The article “How to improve employee engagement” is a sneak-peek into the HR World. AUM Growth Solutions is a Canada based firm working towards translating business strategy of firms into HR priorities. We are the best Human Resource Service Company in Edmonton. Do check the platform!

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